This website is designed specifically to answer important questions that fencers ask - with REAL ANSWERS. Our expert team goes beyond the simple one-line answer and provides real value to the readers.
All questions you see on this website come directly from fence industry people - usually fence company owners or operations managers, but also sometimes from office staff and even installers. Anyone who works in the fence industry can ask us a question! Some of these questions are submitted to us directly by using our ASK US A QUESTION form. We also routinely participate in fence industry Facebook groups like The Fence Professionals Network. If we see a question that we feel deserves a better/deeper answer than a few one-liners that are common on Facebook we'll grab those up as well.
This website is managed by the content team at DotCom. DotCom is the leading marketing agency in the fencing industry - working with nearly every top industry association, expert, and influencer. The content team at DotCom publishes thousands of pieces of fence-related content each month and is uniquely positioned to speak to leaders in the fencing industry every day. Many of our answers are also posed directly to several of our awesome clients such as Shawn King (Successful Contractor), Tony Thornton (The Godfather of Fence), Josh Glover (The Smartest Man in Fence), Joe Everest (The Fence Expert), and dozens of other top fence industry professionals will weigh-in on many of our “answers”.